Professional grooming helps your dog listen in Griffin, GA
Caring for your dog’s ears is often overlooked in Griffin, GA. Weekly at home cleaning helps, but it may not be enough.
Your dog relies on their hearing and they are often confused and can become prone to accidents and get aggressive if there is something wrong with their ears.
Certain breeds are genetically inclined to wax and dirt buildup, especially breeds that have floppy or dropped ears and dogs that are inclined to be in water. Water can get trapped in the ear canal and all the head shaking in the world can’t get it out.
Some dogs are more susceptible because of the amount and type of hair they have. Fleas, ticks, earmites, and other parasites can linger in the L-shaped canal of your dog’s ears.
These are some of the breeds that require extra care.
- Cocker Spaniels
- Labrador Retrievers
- Pit Bulls
- Poodles
- Shar-Peis
- Beagles
- Blood Hounds
- Basset Hounds
- Corgis
- Afghans
- Setters
These breeds have longer ears and in many cases longer hair which needs to be groomed appropriately so that damage isn’t done to their ear canal.
Even dogs that have allergies may have more build up of wax and suffer from discharge and ear infections.
Your dog relies on their hearing and they are often confused and can become prone to accidents and get aggressive if there is something wrong with their ears.
In many cases, you may not see or recognize that your dog has earmites, or even fleas.
By making sure to keep regular appointments, and asking for instruction on how to properly maintain ear hygiene between visits, most problems can be avoided.
Make sure to always have a clean dry towel for your dog when they get out of a pool, pond or bath and pat dry the ears inside and out. Keep an eye out for excessive shaking or scratching when your dog hasn’t been in the water, and be aware of any foul smells or discharge.
Don’t use cotton swabs to clean the insides of the ear canal. If you need to, you can use the swabs to clean the folds away from the canal. Using an approved cleaner, one that isn’t toxic to your dog, with a cotton swab or gauze is also acceptable.
When cleaning your dog's ears, inspect them for fleas and ticks. Fleas are never welcome and ticks can burrow in places you may not be able to see.
Our groomers are trained to keep an eye out for problems that may need further attention and will notify you if they see any issues that you may want to bring up to your veterinarian.
We want your dogs to be beautiful and we want them to hear you when you give them praise. Give us a call at (470) 204-7073 to make their next appointment!